“My name is Laural”
I say it to everyone I meet
Sometimes they remember
Sometimes they don’t
Sometimes people spell my name wrong
But I don’t care
My name is not my identity
It is not mine to keep
My name is to share
So others remember me
“I’m a shrub,
I’m used in cooking,
I stand for victory”
Is what my name would say
“I talk to rocks,
I love to cook,
I like math”
That is what I say
My name can’t tell you that
My name like a bird
Can only chirp one tune
But I march to my own beat
My moods and interests change
While my name stays the same
My parents gave me my name
But I’ll write my story
Laural is just the title.
alessia. • Nov 3, 2023 at 8:49 pm
this is SO strong! i love how you believe your name’s not your identity, and how your name is personified – being a victorious shrub [which in a literal context, it is] 🙂 you create the most detailed story i’ve read in my lifetime, with your ‘title’ & the mentions of you loving math, ‘marching to your own beat’, and talking to rocks. this is bold and epic!