Latin Students Take on the World in the National Latin Exam
May 6, 2023
On Tuesday, March 14, and Thursday, March 16, all Latin students present took the National Latin Exam. It is a 40-question, multiple-choice test with a 45-minute time limit sponsored by the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League. Even though it is called the National Latin Exam, it is taken in 13 countries around the world, which amounts to over 100,000 students.
John Cirignano, Rice’s head of the language department and Latin teacher, has administered the exam for the past 12 years.
“I think it’s important for students to take this exam because it provides outside confirmation and affirmation that our program is successful,” Cirignano said. “And it gives good students, primarily, a chance to prove that they’re making progress in Latin, and it gives students that are here maybe less talented in language, a chance also to see what they might be able to do, against the world.”

This year 28 Rice students earned awards over the three different tests taken by the four different levels of Latin at Rice. Here is a list of the award winners:
Summa cum laude (With highest praise)
- Cade Mulcahey
- Emma McAlarney
- Rafaella Bird Matarazzo
- Hunter Bowen
Maxima cum laude (With greatest praise)
- Logan Forcier
- Gabe Desautels
- Quentin Burton
- Bret Stoneman
- Maggie Robinson
- Laural Callan
- Miriam Callan
- Giles Heilman
- Mehren Blair
- Jack Hill
- Aleksander Kulapin
- Catherine Viner
Magna cum laude (With great praise)
- Julian Potter
- Michael Girouard
- Ashley Hartman
- Taylor Tritt
- Whitney Williams
- Nic Newman
Cum laude (With praise)
- Markus Hammer
- Lily Collins
- Jake Broe
- Kaitlyn Zierak
- Luke Broussard
- Lauren McCabe