Sandwiches For Good

Left to Right: Marissa Cross, Rafaella Bird Matarazzo, and Adeline Eldred making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (Photo/RMHS Instagram)

Allison Winslow, Staff Writer

Students and teachers came together recently to make over 300 sandwiches for Feeding Chittenden, a local food shelf, at Rice Memorial High School.

Boxes of lunch bags lining the gym hallway at the end of the day on Friday, February 17th (Photo/Moorea Lambert)

Led by junior Moorea Lambert, students could come to the cafeteria during free periods, donning gloves and hairnets to help those in need.

“Every time you go to the grocery store, every time you go to buy a snack… it’s been very difficult to not notice how much the price was increasing,” said Lambert.

This is precisely why she began the project, hoping to make life a little easier for both the food shelf as well as its patrons. This is a problem that many people are noticing both within the state and nationwide, the effects of inflation being broadcast around the world.

In many ways, it connects us though. Many are feeling the effects of inflation in some form, which is a major part of why Lambert’s project was so successful. Dozens of students came in throughout the day to help make the sandwiches, decorate bags, and organize the finished products. “I thought it went really well,” Lambert said. “I was really impressed by the turnout and how many students came down to participate.” The cafeteria was a revolving door of students leaving their study halls to lend a hand, all playing a part in making a difference within our community.

Four stations set up in the cafeteria: bag decorating, meat sandwiches, vegetarian sandwiches, and organization. (Photo/Moorea Lambert)

No matter the time of day, Morality and Social Justice teacher Patrick Welsch could be found in the cafeteria tirelessly helping to both make and organize the lunch bags. Sporting two hairnets, Welsch contributed to the project, even going out mid-storm to buy more bread, keeping the project going.

Carts of supplies for lunch bags, including bread, snacks, lunch meat, and peanut butter and jelly. (Photo/Moorea Lambert)

Something as simple as making sandwiches has had a major impact on the community at Rice Memorial Highschool, bringing us together and reminding us to give back and do our part in society.

Both Lambert and Welsch hope that this becomes a permanent part of Rice even after she graduates next year. “It’s great to connect with local organizations post-pandemic and get that to be part of our school culture again,” Welsch says. Giving back is a key piece of Catholicism, something that both Welsch and Lambert have taken notice of.

“I think it’s good to have a tangible example of the things we say we espouse at the school,” Welsch said. “If a student is embodying the content of your class… it’s good to follow their example.”